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Welcome to the Crystal Merchandiser® documentation page, where you will find the latest installation, operation, and maintenance information, including manuals, instructions, guides, and spec sheets.

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Is your case also a Hybrid™?

Get the manual and more information on our Hybrid Documentation page

Zero Zone Hybrid™ display cases are remote coolers and freezers that are paired with pre-charged condensing units, which are field installed to the top of the display cases. The suction and liquid lines between the case and the condensing unit are connected by quick-connect couplings. These cases are typically equipped with a condensate removal system that includes a condensate pump and an evaporation pan. The case will have shrouds, and the case controller display will be visible through the front shroud.

Is the case model you need not listed above?

Try one of the following current Zero Zone display case models:

Or browse through discontinued Zero Zone display case models manuals or discontinued Zero Zone display case models spec sheets